Our Lovely Followers

Monday, 22 April 2019

Challenge No #26 Theme: FEATURE A CREATURE

Good Morning All,

It's Pat here welcoming you to our brand new challenge at Christmas with the Cuties, it's lovely to see you here and we all hope that you will join in with us each month and get a head start on your Christmas cards.

Thank you so much to all who joined in with our "White on White Challenge", few in number but all so beautiful.

Julie No.6


No.2 Fabiola
No.3 Rosina
No. 5 Meg

Didn't make our Top 3 or Winner but we like still
Thank you to Teresa, Alison B and Liz Williams for
joining our white and white challenge 

Congratulations to all, our winner should email me  (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your badges from our sidebar - we love to see your badges displayed on your blogs when we come back and visit at a later date.

Now onto our challenge for this month and the theme I have chosen is:

Challenge No #26 Theme
Feature a Creature

So for the next challenge we would like to see any creature featured on your Christmas project as long as it is Cute.

Our Sponsor for this challenge is the fabulous:

with a great prize for the winner.

Onto the inspiration from our Design Team.

and now it's over to you

1 comment:

Fabiola said...

thanks so much, I'm so proud and happy te be in your top3, congrats to all, blessing