Our Lovely Followers

Monday 27 August 2018

Challenge No #19 Theme: THE CUTEST SNOWMEN

Hi and Welcome to Christmas With The Cuties.......we are delighted to see you! If they haven't already, many of our children are heading back to school very soon and our thoughts may turn to make plans and preparing for Christmas, so if this is your first visit us here, then it's great to have your company!

Thank You so much to those of you that joined us last time, we always have a great time visiting your blogs and the task of choosing our winner is never an easy one. This time it was Sarah's turn to choose, so without further ado,our Winner and Top Three are:


Crafty Bits No. 15

Jen L No. 9
Vicki no. 31
Rosina No. 24

Congratulations to all, our winner should email me  (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your badges from our sidebar - we love to see your badges displayed on your blogs when we come back and visit at a later date.

Challenge No #19

Definitely one of the most popular images we see you using on your cards, are Snowmen.....and it's easy to see why, that's why this challenge is dedicated to our lovely Snowy friends!
Don't forget though, that you MUST use an image that is completely Cute, Cute, Cute!!!

We are delighted  that this challenge is being sponsored by our lovely friends at

 and you might be the winner of some adorable Digi stamps

Our DT had lots of fun making these cards to inspire you, why not hop on over for a visit...…



and now it's over to you