Our Lovely Followers

Monday 25 February 2019

Challenge No #24 Theme: BEGINNING WITH B

Good morning to you all and welcome back to
Our team have been enjoying a well deserved break, but are back now and very excited about the year ahead, and the great challenges we have planned......We do hope to see lots of you joining in with us throughout the year.

I couldn't possibly go any further without Thanking you lovely folks that joined in with our December challenge, if you remember, it was our Christmas carol/song theme and we all had such a joyous time looking at your cards. With so many stunning entries, it was a tough job to choose our Winner and Top Three........could it be you??????

No:11 AJ


No. 25   Diane Louise
No. 13  Crea Astrid
No. 3  Alison B

Congratulations to all, our winner should email me  (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your badges from our sidebar - we love to see your badges displayed on your blogs when we come back and visit at a later date.

Challenge No #24

Ok then, so for our first challenge of 2019, we want to see how many elements on your card you can use that begin with the letter B.....don't forget to tell us what they are, in your blog post.

Our lovely sponsors for this challenge are our good friends at
who are offering a gift voucher for our lucky winner

Besides sticking to our theme, your card should also feature a CUTE image (if you are in any way unsure of how we "define" our CUTE, just check out our amazing DT cards for inspiration)......and obviously it Must be a Christmas card too

boy, birds, blue, brown, baubles, bow and button...

 Baking, Bears, Brown, Beige,Blue and a Bow


B is for - Bear, Blue and Buttons

Birds on a Branch

B for Polar Bear, Blue background paper, brown and blue hearts and next layer paper, brown dog.

black (layer), broom, bells, blue, bird, and bows. 

and now it's over to you


Crea Astrid said...
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Crea Astrid said...

How nice that I am in the Top 3. Congratulations to ladies.

What a beautiful creations the DT has made.

Hugs, Astrid.

KandA said...

Love all the fabulous DT creations xx

(AJ) ArtJypsy said...

Congrats to Diane Louise, Crea Astrid and Alison B for the Top 3 Spots. Thank You for the win. I will wear my badge with pride. I have just emailed about my prize. Fabulous inspirations from the DT for the newest challenge.