Monday 27 May 2024

Challenge No #81  Theme: White and/or Blue

Good Morning All,

Bank Holiday Monday and we hope you all have a good day whatever you have planned.

Here at Christmas With the Cuties it’s that time of the month when once again we hope to get you started on your Christmas cards with a new challenge for the month.  All challenges are “Just for Fun” and “Anything Goes” but MUST be CUTE and of course Christmassy with the optional theme as listed below.

So, we want to say a huge thank you to those of you that joined us last month, unfortunately sometimes it happens that our theme doesn't quite hit, but we are always hugely appreciative of any entries and we would like to award our TOP THREE badge to each of you. 

Don't forget to grab your badges from our sidebar - we love to see your badges displayed on your blogs when we come back and visit at a later date.

Challenge No #81

  Theme: White and/or Blue




We look forward to seeing all your CUTE Christmas projects.

And now its over to you.....

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