Monday 27 May 2019

Challenge No #27 Theme: TAG IT

Hello everyone, it's Sarah taking the driving seat this month so welcome along!!

It always gives us great pleasure looking at your lovely entries and our last challenge
Feature a Creature certainly provided tons of cute animals and birds!! It was Pat's turn to choose the winning entry and that lucky person is.....


Annie H


Pat K  No. 15
Aunty Sue No. 30
Bunny No. 12

Congratulations to all, our winner should email me  (Lisa) at to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your badges from our sidebar - we love to see your badges displayed on your blogs when we come back and visit at a later date.

So, the theme this time is


We would love to see your cute entries featuring a tag, it's as simple as that.

 To inspire you, my team mates and I have made these...

and now it's over to you!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter